GST : 23AACFG3192P1Z6

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Finger Joint Making Machine

Finger joint making machines are used for making finger grooves on wood. And these grooves can then be joined together using adhesive and a pneumatic press. A hardwood block is given to this machine, which utilises carbide-tipped cutters on both sides to create finger grooves. Short pieces of wood are joined together to create longer components. The joint is kept together by glue and is made up of many meshing wood "fingers" or wedges in two neighbouring sections. Finger joint making machines are capable of making both structural and non-structural goods. These are automatic and robust in construction.

Finger Joint Machine

  • Color:Blue
  • Operating Type:Manual
  • Usage & Applications:To make Finger joint profile on wooden pieces for use of small pieces and make stronger wood strips
  • Product Type:Wood Working Machines
  • Power Source:Electricity
  • Power:3-10 HP Horsepower (HP)
Price: 125000 INR/Unit

Automatic Finger Joint Machine

  • Power:10-25HP Horsepower (HP)
  • Power Source:Electricity
  • Product Type:Wood Working Machines
  • Usage & Applications:To make finger profile joints on wooden pieces
  • Operating Type:Automatic
Price: 325000 INR/Unit

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